No Patent Pending

No Patent Pending

Editions2016Matteo Marangoni 

No Patent Pending, self-made performative media

Ewen Chardronnet | Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand | Lars Kynde | Alessandro Ludovico | Matteo Marangoni | Jonathan Reus | Joel Ryan & Kristina Andersen | Dieter Vandoren | Anne Wellmer | Godfried-Willem Raes | Yolanda Uriz

84 pages, 17 x 24 x 1.5 cm, 500 grams, loose leaf prints + box
Limited edition of 800, numbered
Contact to order

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How to convey ephemeral, performative practices based around unique and inventive media within the fixed and standardized format of a book?
This publication by iii presents itself as a large pack of cards that the reader is invited to explore. The cards are shuffled at random, forcing intruders to reverse engineer its sorting algorithm. Each individual copy of the book was manually assembled following a procedural score composed by Lars Kynde and performed by iii.

Contributions range from theoretical essays to poetic exercises with text and image reflecting a wide range of practices seeking radically subjective approaches to media in performance. DIY media technologies, avant-garde music rituals, artistic-scientific hybrids, idiosyncratic new instruments, speculative business approaches, phenomenological investigations, open-source and feminist perspectives on digital culture are all present here as part of a cut-up treatise on media less traveled.


“this publication seeks and vindicates the new
– Jose Luis Espejo Díaz, Mediateletipos

“There are some books that manipulate content and form to create a seamless continuum of a central idea. This anthology of texts is one such book: perfectly consistent in its design, production and content”
– Neural

Editor: Matteo Marangoni
Design: Luc Derycke, Stijn Verdonck, Studio Luc Derycke
Publisher: iii editions with MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Media partner: Neural
Printed by: Ando bv, The Hague, October 2014
ISBN 978 94 9177 567 3
Produced with the support of the Creative Industries Fund NL


permutation of pages still 01 startpermutation of pages still 02 collectingpermutation of pages still 05 packing frontpermutation of pages still 06 endpermutation of pages still 04 signing

Wen Chin Fu, Mariska De Groot, Matteo Marangoni and Dieter Vandoren performing Permutations of Pages by Lars Kynde

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