Ground at OORtreders

Ground at OORtreders

Ground©Joeri Thiry, STUK Kunstencentrum-11

Saturday October 22nd
Doors open: 17:00
Start performance 17:30
Location: Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof
Oortreders Festival

Dewi de Vree and Jeroen Uyttendaele will perform their audiovisual instrument Ground.

OORtreders is Afrikaans for ‘trespassers’, but in Dutch it literally means ‘EARwalkers’. OORtreders wander through forbidden territory or no-man’s-land, far from the beaten path. This is the field of transdisciplinary art or inter-art: art between disciplines and genres, between the auditorium and public space, between passive and active experience, between ear, eye, body and brain. Over two evenings, Musica and Dommelhof present transdisciplinary artists from Belgium and abroad with a single focus: sound. How can sound act as a medium to step beyond the bounds of a discipline? This question is also central to the study day that opens the festival. Step into the fascinating universe of in-between-art with sound at OORtreders.

Minolta DSC

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