SIGN presents “Out Of My Hands” as part of DRAWING FRONT
April 30 until May 29, 2016
Artists: Thijs Zweers, Dewi de Vree & Jeroen Uyttendaele, Junyu Chen,
Marit Westerhuis, Wouter van Tilborg & Tim Romkes
DRAWING FRONT is a nationwide drawing manifestation. An initiative by Drawing Centre Diepenheim in which 20 art initiatives join among them SIGN.
VERNISAGE Saturday 30 April from 17.00 hrs. with the live streaming performance from Shanghai ‘A Unique Line’ by Junyu Chen, and drawing sessions by Marit Westerhof .
FINISSAGE: Friday 27 May at 20.30 hrs. with ‘Ground’ , an audio visual performance by Dewi de Vree & Jeroen Uyttendaele, in which graphite drawings are used as an interface to control several electronic instruments.
In the exhibition “Out Of My Hands” new representations of drawing will be shown in which technology or new media play an important role. The drawing relates to another discipline (or the other way around) and technology is applied to accomplish a transformation. A physical or performative element is often part of the work. A different aesthetic experience is being searched for. Within the width of variations in this way of approaching SIGN wants to contribute to the debate what defines drawing.