May 4, 5, 6, 2018
iii workspace, Willem Dreespark 312, The Hague
May 4, 16:00 – 19:30 – Human Experience, free (includes free entrance in No Patent Pending #33)
May 5, 13:00 – 17:00 – Strangers, €10
May 6 13:00 – 18:00 – No Island is an Island, €10
Registration details below.
Guest resident Nina Runa Essendrop will present three larps (live action roleplay) May 4-6. Nina designs larps with a strong focus on movement, sensory experiences and the meaning of physical action.
To participate in the larps no preparation is needed apart from wearing neutral dark (black) clothing.
Larp is originally an acronym for Live Action Role Playing, but today it’s used as name in itself. It refers to a type of interactive game or storytelling in which the players assume a role and act as a character within the set fiction. It can be described as theater without an audience or script (description kindly borrowed from Johanna Koljonens presentation at our symposium last year gives a good overview of what larp is.
The larps Nina will present are non-verbal larps. During the events, she will build up a movement and/or sonic language with the participants through which they will interact during the playing of the larp. After playing the larp a discussion will guide the participants back to everyday life and give space to share reflections on the experience.
Human Experience
May 4th, preparation workshop: 16:00 – 18:00 (to be confirmed); 19:30 start.
“Human Experience” is an immersive, interactive performance focussed on the sensations we get from movements, touch and senses. Ancient consciousnesses get a brief chance to experience the world through human bodies and explore how humans move and sense. They do this with the help of the audience and influenced by the surroundings. “Human Experience” is a mix between LARP (Live Action Roleplay) and performance art.
Practical information:
Human Experience is a larp with an audience. 7 – 12 people will play the ancient consciousnesses. To participate, you have to join the preparation workshop in advance of the performance. Between the workshop and the start of the performance, you can join dinner with the other artists performing in the evening for €8.
The performance itself is part of the performance program No Patent Pending #33.
May 5th, 13:00 – 17:00
System: Blackbox larp
Genre: Drama.
Participants: 8 to 18 players.
Two cultures in neighbouring countries. Not friends and not enemies, each minding their own business. Then catastrophe hits one country, forcing the inhabitants to flee and seek refuge among their foreign neighbours.
Strangers is an abstract larp which uses physical methods such as sign language and simple movement routines to create two cultures and the feeling of belonging or not belonging to these. It aims to explore refugees trying to fit in, and the reactions among the people who they try to fit in amongst.
Previously presented at: Blackbox Cph VI (2016), Grenselandet (2016), The Smoke (2017), A Love Piece (2017), Black Box Horsens (2017).
May 6th: 13:00 – 18:00
Participants: 5 to 15 players
A larp where players create fictive islands together by making soundscapes and afterwards explore these places as members of a lost tribe.
No Island is an Island is an intuitive, sensuous and abstract larp. The players will practice how to use their voices in different ways and how to follow each others sounds to create coherent soundscapes. Besides sounds the larp uses touch, movement and description of inner visions as primary tools. Players will have their eyes closed during most of the larp. The larp was originally created to produce sound material for the performance installation “Ingen ø er en ø” by Francis Patrick Brady.
Nina Essendrop is a Danish artist and larp designer with a masters degree in Theater, Dance and Performance Studies. She has a strong focus on movement, sensory experiences and the meaning of physical action.
Nina is an active player in the Nordic Larp community. She has designed and produced blackbox larps, freeform games, large scale-larps, audience inclusive larps and larp festivals and she has collaborated with artists in both Europe and New York.
She has designed and run workshops, larps, performances and interactive theatre pieces at among others Transmediale 2016 (Berlin, Germany), Momentum: The 8th Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art (Moss, Norway), The Flea Theatre (New York, US), Dome of Visions (Århus, Denmark) and Ormston House (Limmerick, Ireland)
For these larps we try to get participants both from the larp community in the Netherlands, as well as those who are new to larp. So, it is possible to sign up to multiple larps, but we will make a selection so that there is a diversity of player backgrounds and as many people as possible can participate.
Half of the available places we will be assigned about one month in advance, the other half one week in advance. We will also keep a few spots open for last minute signups on May 4th. If you signed up and are not able to come after all, please let us know as soon as possible.
When you have been assigned a place, we will ask you to pay in advance by bank transfer.
To signup, write an email to Marije Baalman with the following information:
-Which larps would you like to participate in (in order of preference)
-Have you played larp before?
-If participating in Human Experience, do you want to join the artist dinner (cost will be ca. 8 euro)
-Any food preferences/allergies that we need to know about