No Patent Pending #13 / Moks Meetings – Tartu

No Patent Pending #13 / Moks Meetings – Tartu

Event10.10.2015Aparaaditehas, Tartucirculationbodyperformancesoundspace


The 13th edition of the nomadic series No Patent Pending will take place at Aparaaditehas in Tartu, Estonia on October 10th 2015.

The program will feature talks and performances by Mischa Daams, Wen Chin Fu, Lars Kynde, Matteo Marangoni, Patrizia Ruthensteiner, Yolanda Uriz, Dewi de Vree presented by iii, together with Adam Dentone and Luke Twyman of The Audacious Mobile Research Library (AMRL).

The evening will be hosted by Timo Toots and MoKS and the talks will be moderated by Taavi Suisalu.

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