Proximity Music

Proximity Music

10-12 September
Friday 10th and Saturday 11th: 12:00-22:00
Sunday 12th: 12:00 – 21:00
Free access
Various locations, download map and full program info
More info on the Rewire website

Music not as sound, music not as media, music as something that we make and experience together with our whole bodies and all of our senses. Have we forgotten how to do this? How can we invent music with such ancestral qualities now?

Featuring artists: Gorkem Arikan, Hans Beckers, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Cathy van Eck, EJTECH, Sol Ey, Laurie Spiegel & Mark Fell, Mariska de Groot, Kunrad and Pelle Schilling

iii and Rewire present a tour of installations at multiple locations in The Hague which engage with the senses and the body, with instruments and machines, with ritual and play. Individuals and small groups are invited to explore iconic and lesser known sites in the city, discovering new works created by local and international artists. 

Proximity Music offers a route through a series of performative spaces both public and intimate which feed the need for closeness and embodied connection, while questioning our expectations of what is near and far, what is local and what is foreign, what is familiar and what is unknown.

Proximity Music is presented by iii and Rewire with financial support from Creative Industries Fund NLThe Municipality of The Hague and the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.

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