Rafaele Andrade at Hosek Contemporary

Rafaele Andrade at Hosek Contemporary

Hosek Contemporary, Motor Ship HEIMATLAND
17:30: Doors
18.00-19.30: Charging session
20:00-21:00: Concert
More info HERE

Rafaele and Adam will perform two solo sets, in which the electricity created will be stored on super capacitors.

With Sound Energy Harvest, Rafaele Andrade and Adam Pultz tap into the vibrational energy created by their electro-acoustic string instruments Knurl and FAAB to power light sources such as LEDs attached to fibre optic cables. The outcome is a two-part performance in which illumination enters into complex relations with a Rafaele and Adam’s timbrally and dynamically extended musical practice.

With the transduction of sonic and musical gesture into light, Sound Energy Harvest offers an artistic perspective on scales of energy production and consumption. Although the sonic blasts from Knurl and FAAB reach significant volume levels, the energy produced is, at best, modest. From an artistic perspective, this is a creative challenge. From the speculative perspective of a global economy weaning itself of fossil fuel-based sources of energy, the burning question remains to which extent we will be able to power an energy-intensive society with less dense energy sources.

Supported by Initiative Neue Musik, Danish Composer’s Society, Performing Arts Fund, and Instrument Inventors Initiative.

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