Yun Lee – School of Camouflage: Deception workshop at Varia

Yun Lee – School of Camouflage: Deception workshop at Varia


April 25, 2021
16:00 – 18:00
Online at Varia

Requirements: Internet connection, webcam, Among Us (Android, iOS, windows)*
*If you cannot download the game for whatever reason, you can be one of the observers

School of Camouflage: Deception

In this workshop, participants will be exploring principles of camouflage and deception, how they are effectively used in contexts including information warfare, and how we can repurpose them in our own practices as artists/designers/technologists.

We will be playing (or observing) Among Us, an online multiplayer game based on teamwork and betrayal. We will draw from our experiences and observations from the game to come up with and discuss principles of camouflage and deception. We will then work with these principles to come up with strategies for our own work and daily life.

This workshop is for anyone who is interested in thinking, talking about, practicing strategies of camouflage.

About Among Us

Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal!

Play with 4-10 players as you attempt to hold your spaceship together and return back to civilization. But beware…as there may be an alien impostor aboard!

One crewmate has been replaced by a parasitic shapeshifter. Their goal is to eliminate the rest of the crew before the ship reaches home. The Impostor will sabotage the ship, sneak through vents, deceive, and frame others to remain anonymous and kill off the crew.

While everyone is fixing up the ship, no one can talk to maintain anonymity. Once a body is reported, the surviving crew will openly debate who they think The Impostor is. The Impostor’s goal is to pretend that they are a member of the crew. If The Impostor is not voted off, everyone goes back to maintaining the ship until another body is found. If The Impostor is voted off, the crew wins!

About the facilitator

Yun Lee is an artist, performer, and curator whose work mostly engages with recording technology (the phonograph, score-making, the internet) to navigate shifting definitions of what being human is. Other works turn to acoustic phenomena to push the capacities of individual and collective sensorial experience.

In short, Yun is concerned with how our filtered ways of sensing both limit and extend the ways we understand, categorize, and compose the world.

Recently they have been working on the “School of Camouflage”, a research project looking at camouflage practices in visual, movement, and social cultural contexts. These practices include passing, deception, misdirection and masking.

Download the game from your app store or here:

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