‘Tang’, sugar instrument, workshop

‘Tang’, sugar instrument, workshop

Workshop09-09.05.2021online, RewirecirculationanalogculinaryDIYproximity sensessoundtouch

9th May
13:00 – 14:00
online with Rewire
Tickets (donation based)
Purchase the kit (before May 3rd) HERE

In this workshop Wen Chin Fu will guide you through the making process of Tang and talk about the project.

Every material has its hidden sound. Sugar instrument ‘Tang‘ is a musical instrument made of an everyday product – sugar. You can eat sugar in different sugar stages, i.e, syrup ( soft-ball stage) , lollipop (hard-crack stage) and a candy apple (caramel stage). For Tang, you need the sugar at hard-crack stage which is around 130°C. Are you curious about what kinds of sounds you will discover through your Tang?  This kit and workshop will guide you through the process to discover the hidden sound in sugar.

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