22 & 27.07.2024
The Room, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong
As part of an exchange program between iii and CMHK, artists Vica Pacheco and Rafaele Andrade will be giving workshops and performances at Freespace Noise Fest: The Room. Leading up to these dates, Rafaele will be in residence at Eaton HK 14-28 July.
Workshop “Exploring the capabilities of digital and electro acoustic instruments ” with Rafaele Andrade
This workshop will focus on welcoming composers, sound artists and musicians to explore the artistic possibilities of digital instruments by learning about and interacting with the instrument Knurl. Knurl is a 16 string music instrument made by Rafaele Andrade with 3D printing technology, sensors, electronics and the latest audio technology.
Through improvisation exercises and collaborative sessions, participants are invited to test its digital mapping system, 3d printing acoustics, electronic sound design and uncover its design features. This is an experience merging the realms of 3D Printing and electronics in music interfaces. The end result of this workshop will be followed by an improvisation session with Rafaele and the participants.
Improvisation evening session with Knurl
Join Rafaele and her special instrument Knurl in an improvisation session with experimental music instruments! Bring your instruments and musical ideas to explore electroacoustic music. The improvisation session is open to musicians, composers, and instrument makers. This concert will be open to the public and live recorded.
Ollin Workshop
In this workshop led by Vica Pacheco, and assisted by choreographer Chin Ching Chu, we will explore the mechanisms of action through improvising with sensory guidance and instruction. The participants will interact with a ceramic whistling vessel, handmade by Pacheco and shipped to Hong Kong, to create a body-vessel symbiosis, as the movement of the vessels and their sounds are shape by the movement of the performers. We invite the participants to join us to build, from silence, a resonant and tactile body that helps us to discover the potential of our perceptions.
Gesture Studies by Larry Shuen
Larry will be performing “Gesture Studies” which he developed in residency at iii.
Traditionally, musicians’ performance gestures are often not artistically addressed in music scores, which primarily focus on the sonic outcome of the gestures, i.e. the music. This project is focused on musicians’ gestures in musical performances and their potential as a creative resource that extends the imagination towards musicality and performability.
Tropicos by Rafaele Andrade
“Tropicos” is a music performance showcasing the impact of internationalisation and virtual connections into our daily lives. Through her self-made instrument, Knurl, Rafaele presents each performance’s section throughout extended song formats. Sung in four languages (Dutch, Portuguese, English, and Spanish), the songs serve as a conduit for intimate personal stories, exploring how virtual relationships are handled in different areas such as labour, transportation, aesthetics, social media and cultural appropriation.
OLLÍN by Vica Pacheco
Ollin is a performance conceived by Vica Pacheco, for performers and a collection of ceramic instruments inspired by pre-columbian hydraulic flutes. The movement of the vessels and the sounds generated are shaped by the performers and their bodily movements alongside with choreographer Chin Ching Chu. Inspired by the the definition of “Ollín”, as in constant movement in Nahuatl (a language spoken by Nahua people from Mexico), Pacheco seeks to create a ritual in which the sound of the minimal and repetitive movements bring the audience towards a transcending state of consciousness.