Gabey Tjon a Tham researches the complex systems that occur both in nature and in our digital world and how they affect each other through ever evolving processes. These principles are explored through audiovisual installations that are balancing between virtual and analog realities.

Her artistic practice revolves around questions on the relationship between nature and technology: How natural is nature in our current time? In our anthropocentric environment, nature is no longer visible in its romanticized view which has been heavily influenced by culture for centuries. Technology is a natural occurrence for Tjon a Tham: While what we have traditionally called nature is increasingly being influenced by human action, our technological environment is becoming increasingly complex and untameable, we almost have to relate to it as a new nature.” 

As an artist she proposes a perspective on technology being subtle, nuanced and fluid, beyond being an efficiency tool or an expression of power. Fluidity here refers to the non-linear outlook of her artistic practice. For example, by making connections that are not immediately logical in terms of ideas and an interdisciplinary approach of working and presenting. By acquiring cross-disciplinary knowledge in the natural sciences and computer science, she finds connections between the natural, artificial, human and non-human. 

In her current practice she is focusing on working from location-specific experiences to reflect directly on environments where agents function with their own time cycles and behaviour, influencing a living system in becoming. 

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