Jenny Pickett and Julien Ottavi (APO33)

Jenny Pickett and Julien Ottavi (APO33)

Jenny Pickett‘s practice crosses: sculpture, sound, drawing, video, interactivity and performance. This plurality of mediums garner layers of meaning, she often explores her subject through the influences of sound upon the gaze and visa versa, altering both sonic and visual counterparts, asking the viewer rethink their encounter with the oeuvre. Pickett’s preoccupation lies at the point at which technology (new or ancient) becomes the landscape or the body by accumulating their prior states, our prior norms. Jenny Pickett is a member of the artists’ collective and cultural project APO33.

Julien Ottavi is a mediactivist, artist-researcher, composer / musician, poet and tongues destroyer, experimental film maker and anarchitect, founder and member of APO33. Julien Ottavi is involved in research and creative work, combining sound art, real-time video, new technologies and body performances. Since 1997, he develops a composition work using voice and its transformation through computer. His practices is not limited to the art spheres but crosses different fields from technological development to philosophy / theoretical research, biomimetic analysis & experimentation. Since many years he reflects on the relations between experimental practices and collective practices within the creation of autonomous collective groups, putting in question the authorship strategy of the “art ideology”.

During their residency, Jenny and Julien developed Ctenocene : a Meduse topology, a performance using instruments they built. They performed this on No Patent Pending #27.

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