Chan Long Fung / Lazarus is a new media artist who explores the intersections of science, technology,
humanities, and art. Born in Hong Kong in 1996, he currently resides there. His works often blend
various elements, including soundscapes, electronic devices, algorithmic art, data visualization, and
generative art. Chan excels in transcending disciplinary limitations and engaging in interdisciplinary
creation to integrate knowledge and ideas from diverse fields. Chan’s works delve deeply into
observing and contemplating natural phenomena in life. His creative inspirations are rooted in a
profound understanding of technology, sensitivity to nature, and passion for science. Chan creates art
to pose questions and represent these themes.
Chan believes that, as an artist, he can maintain a unique perspective and approach to the long-term
observation of the intricate details of scientific and technological developments, continually raising
questions from a humanistic and philosophical standpoint and then transforming these questions into
visual art experiences. He holds the belief that art can help people gain a deeper understanding and
exploration of issues through simulation, representation, and experience. Although works of art do not
necessarily need to explain problems, artists can pose questions that stimulate the audience’s
conscious engagement, thereby clarifying the direction of the issues at hand.
Contemporary warfare is moving toward an “unmanned” era, and nations are committed to developing
autonomous weapons with artificial intelligence and big data to compute the battlefield situation with
different forecasts. In this context, the data traces of people’s lives will be turned into information to
interact with national-level artificial intelligence models. In this unsettling and uncomfortable era,
some people may choose to leave the system they are dissatisfied with. But there is no denying that
we always live under a real-time strategy game that uses the Earth as the map. No matter where you
go, there is no escape from this digital domination.
“a conversation for who left and who stayed” is a conversation between an artist and his friend in a
multiplayer online real-time strategy game. The artist connects with his friends from outside his
birthplace, and the audience at the show acts as a documenter to record the sounds of the conversation
from different positions. The artist modifies the gameplay of the classic real-time strategy game, in
which he and his friend will each take on the role of a worker in a strategy game, travelling between
great nations, exchanging information, gathering resources and trying to survive.
This residency is in collaboration with Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong (CMHK) as part of iii’s residency exchange program.
iii’s residency program is made possible through the support of Creative Industries Fund NL and the Creative Europe program of the European Union.