
Since 2021 we are able to offer paid internships within the organisational team of iii. We also know that we are receiving an amount of internship applications which exceeds the paid internships that we can offer. In some cases we are able to offer unpaid internships for educational purposes. In every case, it is fundamental that a fair exchange takes place. It is important that interns let us know their needs so that we can accomplish this.

Talent Development is also a core goal of our program. As an organisation that was founded by fresh arts graduates, we are committed to supporting the delicate transition between studies and profession. Internships are a vehicle to do this. An internship at iii can offer a view on how artists make a living in the field of Art, Science & Technology and how a cultural organisation is managed. We try to be as transparent as possible and we do our best to satisfy the curiosity of interns on these topics.

We look for the following qualities in members of our organisation, including interns:

  • – Dedication to own artistic practice
  • – Capacity to take initiative
  • – Desire to support others
  • – Professional attitude

For an overview of the broader values of our organisation please see HERE

Options for internships

We currently have two paid internship positions within iii’s organisational team.

  • – Production Intern X2

For details about this internship please read further.

We are also willing to accommodate more tailored internships based on the needs and capacities of individual applicants. For example we are available to receive requests from applicants that have specific interests and who have their own funding (for example via the Erasmus program).

Finally we are also available to support internship applicants by connecting them to individual artists in our community and guest residents who might be able to offer an internship within a specific project.

Application Process

Applications should contain:

  • – motivation letter (max 1 page)
  • – CV (max 2 pages)
  • – portfolio of relevant work

Please make sure to indicate:

  • – What you would like to learn from us, what experience would you like to gain
  • – What can you offer to us
  • – How does this relate to the options described in this document (do you have a preference for one of the options offered above).
  • – How much time do you wish to dedicate to the internship and during which period.

Please send your application to
We review applications each week on Tuesdays and we do our best to respond within 2-3 weeks.

Production Internship (Paid)

Educational experience offered:
With a production internship at iii you will learn what work goes into producing an artistic event. Beyond the presentation of artistic work itself you will gain an overview of the behind-the-scenes work required to put on an event for the public. Each unique event requires creative thinking and problem solving to communicate with the event organisers and artists to convey their work to the audience in a professional and safe environment. Through this internship you will learn what situations commonly arise when producing an event and how solutions are found.

In addition to this you will learn technical and practical skills associated with setting up, maintaining and renovating the event space.

Skills needed
Skills required for a production internship include;

  • – working in a team
  • – effective communication and creative problem solving
  • – a basic knowledge or familiarity with sound and light systems (preferred but not necessary)
  • – a basic knowledge or comfort level with power tools

Tasks associated with a production internship include;

  • – providing technical and practical support for artists
  • – setting up the event space for audience
  • – maintaining and cleaning the facilities between events
  • – distributing event program flyers throughout the city
  • – executing facility upgrade tasks such as event space renovations

Hours & payment
Approximately 8 hours per week over the course of 3 months. The internship period will be either connected to our Spring or Autumn program. We offer an internship contract, with a payment of €375 per month, before income tax (the intern will need to declare the earnings in their income tax return and depending on their total annual income may need to pay tax).

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