Admiraal van Delfshaven the 1st

Admiraal van Delfshaven the 1st

Artworks2016 - undefinedDewi de Vree, Patrizia Ruthensteinersite specificsoundwearables

“Admiraal van Delfshaven the 1st” is a wearable antenna receiver which picks up different invisible phenomena from its surroundings and makes them audible through electronic sound.

The ship mast inspired construction is entirely built from materials found in Rotterdam harbor. The un-foldable wooden beams serve as platforms for a selection of receivers which have different configurations to convert electromagnetic fields and wind energy into sound. The picked up signals vary in the range of maritime and aviation communication frequency bands as well as urban and naturally generated signals of the environment.

The signals of the specific location are modulated by the wearer who operates different mechanisms of the costume. This results in a unique composition each time. 

“Admiraal van Delfshaven the 1st” is part of a series of works by Magnetoceptia (Dewi de Vree and Patrizia Ruthensteiner)

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