Lauren Jetty
Experimental Perfume
Contact to order. Instructions can be found HERE
‘ArtScience Body’ is a perfume that bends notions of what is considered to be ‘perfume’ by fusing it with what people often attribute to DIY electronic music and media art: burnt electronics, hot metal, the inside of an old speaker, tobacco and soldering.
This kit will provide you with the materials needed to create the perfume yourself; already in suitable dilutions, quantities and with pipettes and a bottle for your finished perfume. Set up a miniature perfume lab at home, smell the materials separately, observe how they change when blended together, as well as over time.
In the context of an exhibition a group of performers wear the perfume; exploring grouping through scent; taking examples from nature, with notions of pack mentality. It is also an investigation into spreading scent throughout an architectural space; as well as how to claim a space through scent. Become part of the ArtScience Body.