Slue at De School Amsterdam

Slue at De School Amsterdam

Event17-21.10.2019De School, Amsterdamcirculationcollaborativeinstallationlightsoundvisual

October 17 – 21, 2019
De School, Amsterdam

Philip Vermeulen will be presenting his audiovisual installation Slue, made in collaboration with Mischa Daams.

Slue is the pumped up sister of 10 meters of sound, where multiple elastic cables are stretched across a large space suspended above a row of lights, rotating at alternately accelerating and decelerating tempos, painting the air with “whooshing” sounds and streaks of coloured light over time. SLue is a study of chaotic patterns that arise in the interaction between whipping elastic, the frequencies of light and its effect on the perception of the viewer in combination with the architectural / landscape surroundings. The installation was made in collaboration with Mischa Daams and premiered at “Into The Great Wide Open” festival on Vlieland, where it stretched amongst trees in the woods.

“Slue is elusive and beautiful, but sometimes frightening and scary because of the setting and the sound. It is a thin line between fascination and the fear that the rope will snap.”

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