Joana Chicau is a graphic designer, researcher, and coder, with a background in choreography and performance, currently based in The Netherlands.

Her methodology explores how design and coding practices interfere deeper with interface design and information displays — when considering choreographic thinking, embodiment and new movement perception possibilities. Joana privileges the use of Free-Libre Open Source software, and projects are delivered across multiple media: websites and online platforms, printed books and publications, performative events and space design. She has been collaborating with various international practitioners in the fields of art, design and technology on both commissioned and self-initiated projects. Recent collaborations include The Slow Research Lab and Hackers&Designers in Amsterdam, Replica.Institute in Berlin and in Brussels. Chicau has been tutoring at Willem de Kooning Academy, facilitating workshops and lectures schools: ArtEZ University of the Arts department of Interior Architecture; Integrated Digital Media at New York University, Digital Aesthetics and Software Studies at Aarhus University among others.

Chicau will be presenting her work at NL_CL #2 at the iii workspace on May 23.

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