Pelle Schilling (born 5 June 1996, Amsterdam) is a young artist from Amsterdam who works
with natural phenomena, chaotic processes and large machines.

“Bright arcs, sparks, raging water, large machines. My work is about the fascination with
movement and the unexpected. I look and look again and look continuously at everything
around me, in search of wonder. I’m always finding something of beauty and interest in the
things around me that I can play with. When I see something with potential, I look for ways to
manipulate it to enhance the astonishment or surprise.”

Pelle was scheduled to present his work at No Patent Pending #39 within Rewire festival, Theatre aan het Spui, on April 4. However, due to COVID-19 regulations, the event was canceled and the residency continued virtually.

Read an interview with Pelle on Jegens & Tevens here
Documentation of the residency:



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