Jamie Allen and Will Schrimshaw

Jamie Allen and Will Schrimshaw

Jamie Allen and Will Schrimshaw work as artists, researchers, musicians and educators. Through performance, installations and workshops their collaborative work explores noise as a source of creative potential. As improvisers they work with white light, handmade synthesizers and drums.

Residency dates: January 8th to January 18th 2016.

Public activities connected to the residency:

Jan 10 – Reading Room #6 Noise as Pure Potential  at Stroom Den Haag, The Hague
Jan 10 – Pure Potential performance during No Patent Pending #18 at Quartair, The Hague
Jan 14 – Reading Room #7 Subtraction and Differentiation at Stroom Den Haag, The Hague
Jan 16 – Pure Potential concert, OCCII, Amsterdam
Jan 16 – Talk at STEIM, Amsterdam


Jamie Allen

Born in Canada, and working between New York, the UK, Copenhagen and Basel, Jamie has been involved with emerging technologies as a designer, researcher, artist and teacher for over 12 years. He likes to make things with his head and hands – investigations into the material systems of media, electricity, and information. His work has been exhibited internationally, from Eyebeam in NYC, to the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology in Liverpool, to SIGGRAPH Asia in Yokohama, Japan.

Will Schrimshaw

Will Schrimshaw is an artist and researcher from Wakefield based in Liverpool. His work is broadly concerned with the subliminal influence of backgrounds, ambiances and atmospheres, with the often imperceptible determinants of space and place. In 2011 he completed a PhD in Philosophy and Architecture at Newcastle University, focusing upon ideas of acoustic space and auditory influence within architectural and artistic practice. He teaches courses on sonic interaction and sound design and has completed a number of residencies, solo and group exhibitions, performances and workshops across the globe.

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