iii receives support from the Creative Industries Fund NL

iii receives support from the Creative Industries Fund NL


The Creative Industries Fund NL has announced that it will be supporting the program of iii for 2014 through its Activities Grant.

The grant will enable iii to initiate a program of research and production residencies aimed at the development of new works focused around the theme of “non-data-based technologies, embodied knowledge and returning to the senses”.

The program will include the participation of Wen Chin Fu, Mariska de Groot, Lars & Nikolaj Kynde, Matteo Marangoni, Jonathan Reus, Yolanda Uriz and Dieter Vandoren.

We need to thank all the organization that contributed to our fundraising efforts with letters of support, including Studio Loos, TodaysArt, STEIM, Sonic Acts, Blikopener Festival, TETEM, Gonzo (circus), Oddstream Festival, NIME London, bb15, Centras Festival, Creartcom, APO-33, MultiMadeira and Neural.


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