PIY Scores – active home entertainment for the curious

PIY Scores – active home entertainment for the curious

Perform It Yourself!

PIY Scores is an online series for pieces that anyone can perform in the comfort of their home. PIY Scores lets performances become a medium for communication, blurring the boundaries between composer, performer and audience.

Composers sometimes create music to be performed from the comfort of a home rather than a conventional public concert hall. Such pieces are often composed in a different way to ordinary concert music due to the different characteristics of the space and the presence of things like pets, house plants and permanent residents. Traditional concert etiquette is unlikely to be followed in a home, and the setting establishes different relationships between audience, performer and composer. The close proximity and convivial atmosphere can allow more insight into the compositional structures, the audience’s experience and the performer’s interpretation. This raises the following questions: Can the experience of interpreting these scores create new ways of artistic communication? Can the composer, performer and audience all become site-specific “interpreters”?

We invite you to document your interpretation of the pieces and send it to us. It doesn’t have to be fancy, phone camera footage will do! In case it is a video or an audio file, upload it to YouTube, Vimeo or Soundcloud and send us the link. By sending us your documentation, the composers can see (and hear) how you have used their work to create new performances. In turn you can all inspire each other and make your performances a shared experience.

This project is curated by Lars Kynde and Maya Verlaak.
Send all documentation to maya.verlaak@gmail.com

Maya Verlaak’s interpretation of Stephen Chase – ‘A Journey around my room’

Watch this space!

Remember to check in on this page, perform the score and send us your documentation!

28 June 2020 – Work by Anne Eisensee

Commissioned by iii

Website Anne Eisensee: http://anneeisensee.com/

21 June 2020 – Work by Andreas Hjort Bundgaard


21 June 2020 – Work by Maya Verlaak

7 – 14 June 2020 – Work by Emilie Gallier

In collaboration with Nina Boas, Camille Gerbeau, and Katinka Marac

Commissioned by iii

Website Emilie Gallier: www.post-cie.com

‘Papier gribouillé, Papier téléphone‘ is a twofold score: for a reading (from June 7th) and for a listening (on June 14th).

The phone number indicated on the score 097 05 500 1844 applies from The Netherlands (cost of a local phone call). For international numbers check www.freeconferencecall.com (or: FR: 07 56 75 00 51, BE: 02 894 33 47, DK: 78 77 25 21, UK: 0330 606 0403). The code for ‘Papier telephone’ is 1188703#.

In the work of choreographer Emilie Gallier ‘Papier gribouillé, Papier téléphone’ (online pages and phone calls 2020) sits next to ‘Papier multiforme, Papier comestible’ (performance 2018), ‘Papier incomestible’ (book 2020), ‘Papiers voisins’ (upcoming phd thesis). Like in a dictionary where words are used to define other words, the performative forms in this collection of ‘Papiers’ interconnect and are codependent.

The drawings of the chairs in the score are by Jamillah Sungkar who drew for ‘Papier Comestible’ in 2017.


Performing ‘Papier gribouillé, Papier téléphone’

Documentation by Ieke Trinks

14 June 2020

31 May 2020 – Work by Anne Eisensee

Commissioned by iii

Website Anne Eisensee: http://anneeisensee.com/


Performing Anne Eisensee ‘Choreography Template for 9 dancers’

7 June 2020

24 May 2020 – Work by Teodora Stepančić

Commissioned by iii

Website Teodora Stepančić: teodora.stepancic.com

17 May 2020 – Work by Robert Blatt


Performing Robert Blatt’s ‘gnomons’

18 May 2020, by Teodora Stepančić & Assaf Gidron

10 May 2020 – Call out by Eleanor Cully

Commissioned by iii

Website Eleanor Cully: https://eleanorcully.co.uk/

Cuckoo is patchwork of room recordings that house my song about the cuckoo bird. The rooms were recorded in May 2020 by nine different artists: Richard Knight, Stephen Chase, Stephen Harvey, Phil Maguire, Theo Gowans, Jorge Boehringer, Luka Ivanovic and Kathryn Williams. The album is the result of a call that was commissioned by instrument inventors (iii) as part of their Perform It Yourself project.

8 May 2020 – Work by Paul Norman

Website Paul Norman: http://www.paulnormanmusic.com/

6 May 2020 – Work by Ana Gnjatović

About Ana Gnjatović

3 May 2020 – Work by Dante Boon

1 May 2020 – Work by Andy Ingamells

Website Andy Ingamells: https://andyingamells.com/


Performing ‘Honorary doctorate from the University of Andy Ingamells’

18 May 2020, by Teodora Stepančić

29 April 2020 – Work by Maya Felixbrodt

Commissioned by iii

Website Maya Felixbrodt: https://www.pninax.com/

26 April 2020 – Work by Claudia Molitor

Website Claudia Molitor: http://www.claudiamolitor.org


Performing Claudia Molitor’s facetime duo:sonic portrait.

19 May 2020, by Daniel Kéry & Yun-Chih

24 April 2020 – Work by Michael Wolters

Website Michael Wolters: https://wolters.co.uk/


Performing (parts of) ‘Telemann for everyone’

1. Find a picture of the Marlboro Man smiling.
2. Lift your spirit as high as you can.
3. Find the oldest email you ever received and send a reply.
4. Find Wally.

28 April 2020, by Matteo Marangoni

22 April 2020 – Work by Stephen Chase

Website Stephen Chase: https://stephenchase.wordpress.com


“My performance of  ‘A Journey around my room’: I was looking around from the middle of my bed, asking myself: which traces did my physical body leave behind and in a way capture the history of movements and presence of my body in this space?”

23 April 2020, by Winke Wiegersma

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